Evolving from the successful EC-funded MaRINET Infrastructures Network, MaRINET2 is working towards its vision of unlocking the energy potential of our oceans by ensuring the integration and enhancement of leading European research infrastructures specialising in research, development and testing of Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) systems.
The specific and measurable objectives of MaRINET2 are:
Standardisation of the testing implemented by the infrastructures along with an independent verification process for analysing and approving of the results generated by the wave, tidal, offshore wind and cross-cutting systems under test in the Transnational Access programme.
To improve the quality, robustness and accuracy of physical modelling and testing practices operated by MaRINET2 infrastructures and develop new physical modelling practices for systems and subsystems under development for Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) systems where currently no standardisation exists.
To provide access to shared relevant Research Infrastructures related to ORE research, to foster networking between researchers in Europe through transnational access to the infrastructures and to encourage interchange and dissemination of research results through user meetings.
To deliver new and representative sets of standardised testing procedures to be adopted by MaRINET2 infrastructure within the Transnational Access programme.
To enhance networking between different European research infrastructures, improving capacities and capabilities through training and staff exchange.
To design and implement an overall e-Infrastructure to demonstrate the deployment of data and virtual services within this e-Infrastructure.
To optimise uptake and exploitation of project results
To offer high-quality training (specific technical skills and essential generic and transferable skills) relevant for ORE to both academia and industry through the setting up and running of a short-course and webinar programme with a strong hands-on component.
To contribute to the improvement of knowledge transfer between research centres, academia and industry.
To develop an EU standard for education on ORE. Renewable Energy is an important source of clean energy that can generate economic growth and employment, increase energy security and boost competitiveness and technological innovation. The realisation of this potential depends on the accelerated development, deployment and grid integration of reliable, efficient technologies for harvesting ORE, which in turn requires robust testing in dedicated facilities with specialised expertise. MaRINET2 provides this platform and is pre-eminently suited to fostering the next generation of ORE devices.