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Environmental Assessment and Planning

Fisheries surveys for Setanta Wind Park

BlueWise Marine Ltd. was contracted by SSE to develop a survey methodology to assess the potential impacts of the Setanta offshore wind farm development on the Dublin Bay prawn (Nephrops norvegicus) fishery. The survey will focus on establishing a baseline catch for the Dublin Bay prawn within the proposed wind farm and its surroundings. Baseline catch rates will be determined through dedicated surveys conducted by scientific observers onboard local fishing vessels hired specifically for this purpose.

The goal is to determine if the abundance of Dublin Bay prawns is changed following the construction of the windfarm. This will be assessed by analysing the difference in prawn abundance between control and impacted sites. Establishing a baseline will help to determine if construction and operation of the Setanta wind farm affect the prawn fishery, and if so, to what degree and extent.

The survey design was informed by reviewing available scientific literature and consulting with scientists in Heriot Watt University and relevant government agencies, such as the Marine Institute (MI) and Bord Iascaigh Mhara (BIM). BlueWise Marine co-designed surveys in consultation with local fishers, integrating their expertise and knowledge with regards to the identification of suitable control sites, fishing techniques, and the specific conditions of the fishery.